• info@edgeict.com
  • PO Box # 114769, Office Suite 102 Al Fahim Tower, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Software Quality Assurance (QA) Services

Optimize your applications with our expert software quality assurance services with domain expertise, and advanced testing labs ensure comprehensive testing and seamless integration with your development teams for optimized output and speed.

Elevate Your Software Quality With EDGE’s Expert QA Services

At EDGE, we redefine software quality assurance with a blend of expertise, innovation, and client-focused solutions. Our commitment to excellence and collaborative approach position us as a trusted QA partner in your software development journey.

Our Quality Assurance (QA) Services types

  1. >>Automation Testing Services
    • >We implement automated testing processes to streamline QA workflows, increase efficiency, and reduce manual effort in software testing utilizing traditional or AI-augmented processes.
  2. >>Manual Testing Services
    • >We conduct manual testing to ensure software functionality, usability, and compliance with specified requirements.
  3. >>API Testing Services
    • >We test APIs for functionality, reliability, performance, and security, ensuring seamless integration and communication between software systems using automated and manual techniques.
  4. >>Mobile App Testing Services
    • >We test mobile applications across various devices and operating systems to ensure optimal performance, usability, and user experience. Testing includes UI, speed, and functionality to ensure mobile apps work well with different network carriers.
  5. >>Security Testing Services
    • >We identify vulnerabilities and security gaps in software applications to protect against threats and ensure data integrity and confidentiality.
  6. >>Load and Performance Testing Services
    • >We assess software performance under various load conditions to ensure reliability, scalability, and stability under peak usage, utilizing various techniques such as load, volume, and soak testing.
  7. >>QA Consulting and Analysis Services
    • >We provide expert QA consulting to identify and address gaps in testing processes, aligning QA strategies with business objectives and industry best practices by analyzing gaps, roadblocks, and inefficiencies, ensuring that you meet your overall business goals.
  8. >>Salesforce Testing Services
    • >We test Salesforce’s customized and built-in features to ensure they function according to business requirements and customer expectations.
  9. >>Blockchain Testing Services
    • >We conduct comprehensive testing of blockchain applications, including smart contracts and decentralized networks, for functionality, security, and performance. We utilize a phased approach to understand the components of your blockchain system, then decide what needs to be tested and the type of test, and finally generate a report on the overall system performance.
  10. >>IoT Testing Services
    • >We test Internet of Things (IoT) networks and devices for functionality, interoperability, security, and performance across various scenarios and platforms.
  11. >>SAP and Enterprise Testing Services
    • >We provide end-to-end testing for SAP and other enterprise software, ensuring seamless integration, functionality, and performance across business processes.
  12. >>Localization Testing Services
    • >We ensure software and applications are culturally and linguistically appropriate for target markets, verifying localization accuracy and user experience.
  13. >>DevOps Services
    • >We integrate testing into the DevOps pipeline, facilitating continuous testing and deployment for faster and more efficient software delivery.
  14. >>Artificial Intelligence Testing Services
    • >Our advanced lab rigorously tests and validates AI-powered applications for accuracy and performance, ensuring reliable and effective AI integration.